Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I don't see how to make that "Let's Talk" thing do what I wanted it to do so I'm going to change it's name to "Flying" and take that huge old post out of "Ramblings."

I'm also having trouble with the font sizes but will keep working on it.

Okay, I think it's done

I may still take that huge post, currently at the top of Ramblings, and give it its own section, but otherwise I think we're done.

So what's new?

Well, the biggest thing is that each post now stands on its own and you can comment on it immediately, right at the end.

Also I'm going to try to set that "Let's talk: thing up as a blog or message board where we can all talk together - if I can figure out how to do it.

Hope you all enjoy the new format. Thanks for checking it out.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Almost done

Everything except Let's Talk and Ramblings.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Rebuild coming along

Got Poetry and Short Stories done. Now working on On God and Man.

Some good old stuff

I was going through some old stuff and found something I had forgotten. Back in 2001 I posted a thing on a local message board. I tried to show people what it was like to fly a plane. The post got a good reception and a lot of talk on the street. Just thought you guys might find it kind of fun. It's in Ramblings.

It's all about having fun

A new short rambling on something, about which I am always quite serious.

Another rambling

Let's talk about a local treasure. Check out the latest rambling

New Rambling

Advice, unasked for, to young folk and their parents

Poem added

Somehow a poem I wrote years ago didn't make it on here. It's titled "Ireland" and is under the poetry heading. The original name was "A Land Like Silver Dust Motes Dancing."

Why, I wonder, did I change it?

Three EMS related posts added

Three EMS related posts from Viewshound now added to Ramblings. They're at the bottom.

New stuff

Four new things under On God and Man. Transferred from Viewshound.

Lots of changes

New tabs added. Two poems and two short stories added.

Chapter 4

Another chapter added to Precious Metal.

Another chapter

And now Chapter Three of Precious Metal...

Here's more

Chapter two of Precious Metal is now posted.

Here we go

You will note the title "On God and Man." That's where it's at. I propose a gentle disputation on the subject. Join in if you like. Don't worry about hurting my feelings - if I don't like your comment, I'll delete it. Come on in.

Progress is being made herein

The first chapter of Precious Metal is now posted in all its glorious entirety.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Home base

Welcome to my blog. Thank you very much for coming. Please, make yourself comfortable. Your comments or questions are welcome.

Please note: The writings you will find here, with the exception of Precious Metal, are works in progress. Precious Metal is completed and available to some lucky publisher.